Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another beautiful fruit from the Bainbridge Family Tree

Today, January 21, 2010, my neice Stella Rayne Bainbridge was born.  Her parents Cory and Lori Bainbridge could not be happier.  Lori did a wonderful job of taking care of this baby during pregnancy and came thru delivery quite impressively.  Short, sweet and to the point.  There was no messing around when Stella decided it was her time to enter this world.  My children are so thrilled to have a baby cousin who lives so close by.  Each one of them is dying to get their hands on her.  Of course all of the grandparents are as proud as they can be.  In the days and weeks ahead we will find out what this little girl is all about.  We will enjoy rocking her, reading to her, showing her things that her little eyes have never beholden before.  What a great privilege and honor it is to participate in the lives of our loved ones.  Thank you, Cory and Lori, for sharing not only such a special event with us, but for sharing this little one with us all.

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